Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust

Fund Performance

The Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust invests in loans to unrelated borrowers in the local business and property sectors. PIE tax compliant and structured as a unit trust, the fund allows wholesale investors to keep more of their investment returns while providing flexibility, liquidity, and reduced concentration risk.

We aim to deliver consistent returns of over 10% p.a. to our investors, with net returns distributed monthly. Many investors choose to reinvest and compound their returns.

As shown in the table below, actual net returns have consistently exceeded our targets since inception, offering strong and consistent returns to our investors.

Fund performance (as at 30 September 2024)

Financial YearJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal Return
Calendar Year
Annual Growth††
†Total returns since inception – returns compounded – is based on an actual investor account with net returns re-invested monthly.
††Compound annual growth rate – since inception – annualised.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. The fund was established on 30 June 2022 and made its first investments in September 2022.

Comparison of compounded returns of an investment with Merx against an investment yielding BKBM + 2.5%

The graph illustrates the value of a Company investor account, showing compounded net returns on an initial $250,000 investment in the Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust, compared to an investment yielding the 90-day Bank Bill Rate (BKBM) plus a 2.5% margin since the fund’s inception.

Comments from Merx Investors

Aligned Interests

Aligned interests is a core principle of the Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Fund. As the Trust’s management team, we personally invest alongside our investor partners. We have the same risks and potential returns as our investors.

Building an investment portfolio for the long term

Investor's Journey: Merx Director,
Andrew Dunning

The role of economic cycles in investment

Get the detail – fund description, management, fees, risks and more. Request the Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust Investor Brochure here.
Request the Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust Investor Application form here. Note: the fund is not suitable for retail investors.

Investor Brochure

Important information for investors

Investment in the Trust is open only to wholesale investors as set out in schedule 1, clauses 3(2)(a)-(c) and 3(3)(a) (inclusive), or persons who are otherwise not required to receive disclosure under Part 3, of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (“FMCA”).

Investor Application

Important information for investors

Investment in the Trust is open only to wholesale investors as set out in schedule 1, clauses 3(2)(a)-(c) and 3(3)(a) (inclusive), or persons who are otherwise not required to receive disclosure under Part 3, of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (“FMCA”).