Welcome to Merx Blog
Education and knowledge for the savvy investor
Read posts on the following from Merx
The “Why” of our new wholesale investment opportunities
Let us tell you a bit more about the ‘why’ of this proposition.
Wholesale investor opportunities through our co-lending model
We are currently open to expressions of interest from investors that want to partner with us to support commercial endeavours this year.
Getting development projects to the starting gate
Overcoming challenges and seeing the opportunities ahead: this is where out-of-the-box solutions become invaluable.
Good reading and listening for 2022
Read on for useful readings, podcasts, and resources that our team have come across of late: we hope they help you relax, think differently, and perhaps plan for 2022.
How we helped our clients in 2021 – in six client scenarios
As the year enters its last leg, we’d like to revisit some of our 2021 client success stories, and how our simplified approach to finance can help business owners and property investors build momentum in their projects.
The new CCCFA rules and building momentum in projects
This is where our simple pre-development finance tool can make a difference. Read on to learn more.
Introducing our new pre-development funding package
In recent months, our pre-development funding package has received great interest and response from small property developers looking at getting their projects in motion.
When property developers don’t fit the traditional mould
Securing funding through mainstream lenders is proving challenging and time-consuming for many small property developers. Here’s how we’re helping them.
Business lending beyond computer models
We work with our clients to align our lending structure with their working capital requirements.