This is what we stand for

As our newly-launched wholesale investment offering gains momentum, we continue to support business owners and investors in the New Zealand market.
This is what we stand for

It’s great to see that our newly-launched Merx Wholesale 1 PIE Trust has already captivated the attention of a number of wholesale investor partners.

We knew that having a manager with ‘skin in the game’ would be an attractive feature in this type of investment. Our experience tells us this investment opportunity is structured to deliver long-term stable returns, secured by local business and property assets.

Our focus is to get as many like-minded investors on board as possible, so if you’d like to learn more, please click here for the offer details and get in touch to discuss further.

In the meantime, we continue to support business owners and investors in the New Zealand market, by providing them with the funds they need to get things done. That’s what we stand for, and in these uncertain times, it makes a difference. Read on for our latest client scenarios and let us know if we can help any of your clients.


Client Scenario: This client, an Auckland-based property investor, needed to complete an upgrade and free up equity from an existing unit to move ahead with another property opportunity. So, they approached us to help them complete the work and bridge the sale of their property.

Merx Solution: Following a thorough assessment of their project, we provided them with a $1.3 million loan at 65% loan-to-value ratio, with interest and fees capitalised for a four-month term, backed by a first mortgage over the property. Part of the funds went into renovation work, which tidied the property for sale and allowed the client to access the equity tied up in it before a sale was contracted. This allowed them to redeploy this equity into their next venture.


Client Scenario: After Covid-19 restrictions were lifted earlier this year, this client – a business owner operating in the services sector – experienced a massive increase in demand. To keep up with it, they needed additional working capital to hire new staff and upgrade some critical assets.

Merx Solution: Despite going through some turbulent years at the height of the pandemic, many sound businesses have managed to get through it and come out the other end stronger. But the rebound comes with its own challenges. To help this client take advantage of the heightened demand, we provided them with a $300k working capital facility, backed by second mortgages over their properties at 70% loan-to-value ratio, and with a 12-month term.

Give us a call on 09 215 9364 or email us at if you’d like to set up a time to talk.

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