Wholesale investor opportunities through our co-lending model

We are currently open to expressions of interest from investors that want to partner with us to support commercial endeavours this year.
Business opportunities (1)

With access to funding becoming a significant barrier, uncertainty persists in the current business landscape. This theme appears to be growing stronger. 

But as we noted in the past, with uncertainty often come opportunities for well-organised business owners and investors with solid plans to drive growth. As Morgan Housel put it in one of his recent blog posts, risk means more things can happen than will happen. We think this creates opportunities for clients who are prepared to take measured risks to get ahead.

With this in mind, you may remember that a few months ago we introduced you to our wholesale investment opportunities. We’re continuing on that front with further exciting developments coming up. We are currently open to expressions of interest from investors that want to partner with us to support commercial endeavours this year. Read on to learn more and let us know if you’d like to discuss this further.

Wholesale investor looking for new opportunities? Let’s talk 

A year ago, we have expanded our offering with the inclusion of first-mortgage finance through a co-lending investor model and brought in a core team of wholesale investor partners. This has performed beyond our initial expectations. So, we are now looking to broaden this capacity further.

This opportunity is open to wholesale investors looking to share the yield and the investment with us. What’s more, investors get first priority on funds advanced ahead of us, Merx takes a second priority. Our existing wholesale investment partners have already been experiencing the benefits of sitting alongside an investment partner like us. It’s an opportunity to work with a finance manager who has real ‘skin in the game’.

We’re currently open to expressions of interest from wholesale or qualifying investors looking to generate good yield alongside an experienced manager. If you’d like more information on our model, or know of any investors who may be interested in exploring the potential with Merx, get in touch. We’d be happy to talk through this innovative solution.

Give us a call on 09 215 9364 or email us at fundgrowth@merx.co.nz if you’d like to set up a time to talk.

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